VMTA Local Association Reports

Blue Ridge     Central Virginia     Charlottesville    
Harrisonburg     Highlands     Northern Virginia    
Peninsula     Piedmont     Richmond    
Roanoke Valley     Shenandoah Valley     Tidewater    

Blue Ridge Music Teachers Association

June, 2007

The Blue Ridge Music Teachers Association, although small in number, has had a productive year and looks forward to another promising year for our membership. We are planning to have our annual business meeting in Wytheville, VA sometime in the summer of 2007. At that point, we will elect officers for the next two years. Currently, our officers are: President - Lisa Withers (Emory, VA), Vice-President - Lisa Moxley (Bluefield, VA), Secretary/Treasurer - Betty Reed (Marion, VA). We held several festivals this year including a Hymn Festival on November 12 (30 students participating), our Honors Recital at Emory & Henry College on March 10 (15 students participating), and a Ribbon Festival on April 15 (25 students participating).

We sponsored a fall workshop entitled "The Developing Church Keyboard Musician" at Bluefield College on September 9. This workshop was presented by Bryant and Lisa Moxley who are on the faculty of Bluefield College in Bluefield, VA. Several members attended the state (VMTA) convention this year. Our President is the current Junior Competitions Chair for VMTA and was involved in the state conference in that capacity as well.

Our goals for the coming year include developing creative membership recruitment ideas for our de-centralized geographic location, creating and taking advantage of more opportunities for professional development, and encouraging our students to participate in all of our performance opportunities.

We are very sorry to lose one of our active members, Jan Smith, as she is moving from Wytheville, VA to Amelia Island, FL following the death of her husband. We are also grateful for Cathy Valley's recovery following her surgery in April.

We are looking forward to a new year of increased membership, professional opportunities, and enhanced affiliation with VMTA.

Report submitted by Dr. Lisa Withers, President

Central Virginia Music Teachers Association

June, 2007

The CVMTA Executive Board put together a wonderful year of teacher and student activities, all directed toward elevating our collective music-making. In an attempt to rejuvenate our local association, to streamline our efforts, and to save money, we changed our calendar, emphasizeing ways in which we can support one another and our respective studios.

In addition to our September welcoming kick-off meeting and May luncheon meeting, we had two additional teacher meetings. The Fall program, presented by Linda Heuer, was entitled "Your Body and the Piano," and concentrated on enlarging our awareness of physical position at the piano. The Spring program focused on improving our studio businesses, with a CPA present to answer questions.

Our students continue to benefit from many programs and festivals. In addition to our Fall Festival and Theory Festival, our students were given the opportunity to participate in Lynchburg's Kaleidoscope Festival. During Kaleidoscope our studios performed on a day-long recital at the Mall, raising funds for our student scholarships. Four students from middle school and high school received a total of $600 in scholarships.

We held two formal student recitals, one in the Fall and one in the Spring, providing a venue for performing classical literature. This year we launched repertoire classes on the first Saturday of each month at my home, giving performance opportunities to students and teachers in an encouraging and non-threatening atmosphere. There were no repertoire limitations for these repertoire classes and no critique was given.

As President, I set two goals for my first year. First, I wanted to see our membership increase and diversify. We have thirteen returning members, one honorary member, and have welcomed four new members, including two college student members. I also wanedt to see more teachers of voice, guitar, strings and winds join our association. This new enthusiasm has been very encouraging and I am hoping for another two new members in 2007-08.

Second, I want to see an improved public perception and recognition for the fine teaching and accomplishments of both our teacher members and their studios. I believe that this will result in larger studio enrollments, better teacher-student-parent relationships, and greater appreciation for our contributions to the community. We are publicizing all of our events in the local newspapers and our new website will be online shortly. I hope that this superior marketing will bear fruit in the years to come.

I do find that there are challenges that we must address before they bring about the downfall of our organization. I do not believe that these problems are unique to central Virginia; instead, I hope that we will be able as a state organization, to direct our attention to these issues and to find solutions.

First, our teachers enjoy the friendships and professional alliances within our local association and appreciate the opportunities afforded their students. However, the national and state fees are so costly that they question the benefits of membership.

Second, with our local association having fewer than twenty members, we find that the same core group does all the work. This is not unique to CVMTA, but there is a burnout factor among the most dedicated and active members. Our members with families have the same extended schedules for academics, athletics and extra-curricular activities that our studio families face, and it has become increasingly more difficult to find members willing to serve CVMTA.

Third, our studios have changed tremendously in the last two decades, with parents encouraging their children to be more "well-rounded," focusing on academic, athletic, extra-curricular and family demands on their time. Our teachers are finding that they are competing more fiercely for their students' allegiance and dedication, and that fewer students make a long-term commitment to their musical studies.

These are challenges that we acknowledge and hope that our VMTA Executive Board can help give us positive solutions and encouragement for the future.

We appreciate the support and professionalism offered by the state association and wish our colleagues and friends the very best in the coming year!

Report submitted by Dr. Rebecca McCord, President

Charlottesville Music Teachers Association

June, 2008

The Charlottesville Music Teachers Association had a busy and productive year. We welcomed 15 new members, and our total membership was 81. One highlight of the year was hosting an all-day workshop by Matthew Harre on "Meeting the Needs of the Adult Amateur Musician". Other programs included a panel discussion on "Performance Anxiety", and a presentation on " Teen Talk: Nurturing the Next Generation".

In preparation for the Summer 2008 Yvaine Duisit Theory Olympics, the membership became contestants in a theory game. In April, our members presented a recital at Westminster Canterbury.

At our annual Student Recital, 13 students played in "Bach & Before OR Born in the Twentieth Century". The Adult recital was a nicely varied program and well attended. Seven teachers presented a total of 16 students. Instruments included cello, organ, piano, flute, violin and recorder.

Our 19th annual Music Festival had 227 solo and ensemble performers of piano, organ, wind, string and harp representing 39 teachers. This is up from 212 last year. We had 38 advanced, 69 intermediate, 116 elementary students and 3 "comment only" students earn ratings/comments. The ratings broke down as follows:

A total of 22 students took the VMTA Theory Tests this year, with the test levels ranging from Level 1A through Level 7. Fourteen of the 22 students took the Sight Reading Tests. Playing levels ranged from Level 1 to Level 9, with all students receiving a Superior, Excellent, Very Good, or Good. CMTA continues to develop its website and electronic communications. The following slate of officers was installed at the May meeting:

Report submitted by Noriko Donahue and Laura Hoffman, Co-President 2007-2008

Harrisonburg Music Teachers Association

June, 2008

HMTA Officers:

The Harrisonburg Music Teachers Association, now sixteen members strong, have been busy with some exciting events this year. Highlights include the following: In September, HMTA member Lori Piitz provided a highly informative presentation on the Canadian based National Music Certification Program and the associated Celebration Series of piano teaching materials. In October, HMTA member Paulo Steinberg performed a multi-media lecture-recital on Brazilian Music at JMU. In November, the HMTA sponsored a Multi-keyboard Concert, held at the Harrisonburg Court Square Theatre. This event featured students from all area studios, six or more keyboards, a team of teacher/conductors and an enthusistic audience, with ensemble music ranging from Mozart and Beethoven to Oh, Shenandoah. In March, the HMTA collaborated with JMU to sponsor a visit from Dr. Ludmilla Lazar, professor emeritus of piano and retired chair of the keyboard department in Roosevelt University's Chicago College of Performing Arts. Dr. Lazar presented masterclasses, an audience-participation lecture-demonstration on Bartok's piano music, and coached private lessons over a four day period. In April, local piano students participated in the HMTA/EMU Piano Festival, coordinated by HMTA member Monica Carlston.

In March, VMTA Theory/Sight Reading Tests were given at JMU, followed by the VMTA District Auditions, which were given April 26th. Judges were Scott Zane Smith and Brooke Dezio. Winners and alternates for the Valley District Auditions were:

Elections and plans for the upcoming year will be discussed at our upcoming June 14th business meeting. We are hopeful that every member becomes involved in developing new activities as well as preserving the old ones. We are looking forward to another exciting year!

Report submitted by Pat Brady, HMTA President

Highlands Music Teachers Association

May, 2008

The Highlands Chapter of the VMTA had a busy and a productive year:

  1. Annual Fall Membership Meeting was held on September 15, 2007 at Radford University and featured a presentation and master class by Dr. Ray Luck
  2. Annual Fall Student Recital on November 11, 2007 at Virginia Tech
  3. Annual Rebecca Orr Memorial Benefit Concert on January 18, 2008 at Virginia Tech which raised money for scholarships and educational programs. Nitza Kats was honored for her 25 years of service for this annual event which she started. The Chapter presented her with a plaque and a special reception.
  4. Annual Rebecca Orr Memorial Technique Festival on February 16, 2008 was held at Radford University in which some 60 piano students participated
  5. Annual Spring Recital was held at Radford University on April 27, 2008

In addition, NItza Kats was awarded the VMTA Teacher of the Year Award that was presented to her at the state conference at Shenandoah University on November 3, 2007. In September, Barbara Hudson presented a workshop on Alexander Technique at Radford University. Lucy Mauro was an adjudicator for the state junior piano competition at the VMTA conference. She also presented a master class for the Peninsula chapter of the VMTA. Donald George and Lucy Mauro presented a workshop, "Developing Musical Expression and Communication: What Pianists Can Learn From Singers", for the Blue Ridge chapter of the VMTA in October 2007. Donald George and Lucy Mauro also did a presentation, "Fair Maidens, Magic Harps and Castles by the Sea: Rediscovering the Romantic Melodramas of Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Wagner and Strauss", at the 2008 MTNA National Conference in Denver.

Report submitted by Lucy Mauro, President

Northern Virginia Music Teachers Association

June, 2007

The NVMTA membership now stands at over 380 members and we are sponsoring 25-30 events each year. The number of students enrolling in our activities continues to grow.

Included in our monthly meetings this year we had presentations by Dennis Alexander on "The Anatomy of a Teaching Piece", Beth Gigante Klingenstein on "Professionalism in the Independent Studio", and Ken Johansen on "Keyboard Harmony - The Key to Musical Understanding". Winners of our scholarship programs and our concerto competitions played at two of our meetings. Two of our yearly meetings continue to be held at George Mason University.

The Young Artist Musicals presented outstanding young students from members of NVMTA in recitals in connection with George Mason University.

NVMTA continues to offer the achievement scholarship competitions and the financial need based scholarship programs. The winners of the concerto competitions in the upper divisions presented a marvelous concert program with the Little River Symphony Orchestra.

Over 2000 students participated in the Federated Music Club's Spring Festival and we continue to offer our teachers membership in both the Federated Music Clubs and MTNA affiliated groups.

Report submitted by Julie Slingerland, President

Peninsula Music Teachers Association

June, 2007

We currently have 48 members and have been very active as a group this year.

Our first program of the year was presented by Jenna Bianchi, conductor of the Williamsburg Symphonia, in which she discussed her background and her love of the small symphony. In October we welcomed Vernon McCart, who gave a lecture/recital on his clavichord of Baroque and Classical music. November brought us Grace McFarlane, Levine School of Music, as she gave an inspiring master class with 5 of our students. The new year called our attention to taxes and financial planning, with help from Stacy Long of Merrill Lynch Corp. Lisa Coston, vocalist from CNU, and member Beth Tomassetti, gave a concert of living composers for our February program. Lastly, Virginia Tech University's Tracy Cowden gave us practical ways to reduce orchestral scores.

PMTA continues its annual Piano Olympics, with 164 students playing scales, chords, and cadences for ribbons and medals. Members enjoyed a December luncheon at River Walk Café in Yorktown, and we entered 416 students in Federation Festival in February. Our Third Annual Music Marathon was held at Patrick Henry Mall, where 112 students played and raised a profit of $3,797. Students also participated in the State Theory and Sight Reading Tests in March, as well as the PMTA Progressive Music Tests Auditions in April. May brought yet another event, where National Guild teachers entered 73 students from 7 studios. At the last meeting of the year, scholarship winner Simeon Kim played a recital for us at the Omni Hotel in Newport News, which was then followed by a nice luncheon.

Report submitted by Beth Tomassetti, President

HISTORY FOR 2006-2007

The officers for PMTA for 2006-2007 were as follows

The programs and special events for the year were as follows:

September 14 Our first meeting this year was brought to us by Jenna Bianchi who is the conductor of the Williamsburg Symphonia. She discussed her background and her love of the small symphony and her hopes for more community involvement.
October 12 This month we were happy to have Vernon McCart present his very own clavichord and demonstrate its abilities. We all enjoyed hearing how Bach's music would really have sounded .
October 26-29 Several of our members were able to attend the State Convention at George Mason University. Teri Falk was one of the panel members in a very informative discussion. Melody Bober was the featured artist/composer.
November 5 Another very successful year for Piano Olympics. We were at Hampton Baptist church and we had 164 students playing their scales, chords, and cadences. We gave out 951 gold ribbons, 92 silver ribbons, 8 red ribbons and 171 gold medals. After fees were collected and expenses, our profit this year was $822.15. This event is chaired by Carrie Moore, Donna Anderson and Jean Kunkel
November 9 This month we were delighted to have Grace MacFarlane to host our Master Class. We had 5 students participate and it is always a great learning experience not only for the students but also the teachers.
December Carrie Moore made reservations for the annual Holiday luncheon at the River Walk Café in Yorktown. This is always an enjoyable time to relax and enjoy conversation and the season.
January 11 This month our program centered around taking care of our 2006 taxes. Stacy Long of Merrill Lynch Corp. was our featured speaker with lots of hints and helps.
February 8 This month we were entertained and delighted to hear singer Lisa Coston who is on the faculty at CNU . She has a marvelous contralto voice and did some beautiful pieces accompanied by Beth Tomassetti.
February 25 Our Federation Festival was held this year at Temple Baptist church and we had a great day. Twenty nine teachers entered 416 students in playing both piano and flute solos as well as many vocal events. 74 students earned their first gold cup, 23 students earned their second gold cup and 3 students earned their third gold cup and one student earned her 60 point, 4th cup. . Myrna Brinkley chairs this event.
March 8 Our last official meeting for the year was conducted by Tracy Cowden from Virginia Tech. She spoke on Practical way to Reduce Orchestral Scores. It was a very informative and beneficial meeting for all or us.
March 11-12 The Third Annual Music Marathon held at Patrick Henry Mall in Center Court was another successful day. Jean Kunkel and Teri Falk co-chaired this event and we saw a great monetary reward for the scholarship fund. There were 12 teachers who entered 112 students. The total income was $3,972.00. After expenses and awards the profit to the scholarship fund was $3,797. This money will be used per board approval for enriching the lives >
March 18 State theory and Sightreading - Jolanta Szewczyk is chairperson and she reported 4 teachers from our own PMTA and 3 teachers from Tidewater Forum entered students taking 87 theory tests and 21 students taking the sight reading test. Total profit for Theory and Sight Reading was $102.00.
April 5 The PMTA Progressive Music Tests Auditions which is chaired by Anita Moody was held at Temple Baptist Church and 8 teachers presented in that event. 27 gold ribbons, 26 blue ribbon and 3 trophies were awarded to students for the three part music test/audition.. Total profit from this event was $198.71.
May 15-18 is National Guild Week and there are 73 students from 7 studios playing in that audition. Our judge was Shirley O'Conor from Fairfield Glade, TN. Jean Kunkel chairs that event. This year for the second year ,our auditions had two sites - Monday and Tuesday were held in Williamsburg at the Faith Baptist Church and Wednesday and Thursday were held at the Northampton Church of Christ..
May 9 This was the last meeting of the year, and we were able to celebrate a scholarship winner, Simeon Kim, student of Teri Falk and give him the $1,500.00 scholarship. Our concert/ luncheon was held at the Omni Hotel in Newport News VA.

We are always very grateful to all the members who participate actively each year in all the events that help to make this organization healthy and well received in the community. Thanks to all the officers and chairpersons who work hard at keeping up with all the record keeping and leg work that it takes to make each event move along smoothly.

Report submitted by Jean E. Kunkel, Historian

Piedmont Music Teachers Association

June, 2008

The Piedmont Music Teachers Association sponsored fewer activities this year, due to several factors. However, the events that we had were well-received.

Report submitted by Mary Helen Cameron, President

Richmond Music Teachers Association

June, 2008

The Richmond Music Teachers Association currently has eighty-nine members, showing an increase of four new members over last year. Our membership chair revised our brochure and distributed them to all of the music stores in our area, in an attempt to reach new teachers. We feel this was a success and will continue to advertise ourselves in this way.

We produced a Music Studio Survey, answered by more than half of our members, to help us be aware of the current market and keep us informed of the most up to date professional policies of private teachers in our area.

This year's calendar was filled with many exciting RMTA events and guests:

RMTA also participated in several VMTA events:

And finally, RMTA was exceptionally proud to name our colleague and friend, Fay Barss as an MTNA Fellow at the MTNA Conference in Denver. We would like to thank VMTA for their support and help with this honor.

Report submitted by Sharon Stewart, President

Roanoke Valley Music Teachers Association

June, 2008

President's Report 2007 - 2008

Presented at the VMTA Spring Conference


VMTA Fall Festival:

VMTA Theory, Sightreading & Skills Tests:


A Hurricane Katrina Fund: The Louisiana Music Teachers Association's "Students Helping Students Fund" sent a thank-you note to RVMTA for its donation of $100 towards Hurricane Katrina relief.


New Officers for 2008-2010:

Business Meetings:

Report submitted by Sarah Reaser O'Brien, NCTM, Immediate Past President

Shenandoah Valley Music Teachers Association

May, 2007

The Valley Chapter continues to focus on bringing in new members and working with the other area music organizations to broaden our community presence.

We held the following events in the past academic year:

In the coming year, we will host the State Fall VMTA Convention at Shenandoah Conservatory on November 1-4, 2007.

We will also add a Christmas recital to be held at the local Westminster - Canterbury in Winchester.

Report submitted by Lee Ann Dransfield, President

Tidewater Music Teachers Forum

June, 2008

The Tidewater Music Teachers Forum has been named the 2008 MTNA Local Association of the Year. We are honored by this award and pleased to be recognized for the many opportunities for musical education and growth which TMTF offers to both teachers and students.

The programs for our monthly meetings this past year included:

Performance opportunities for teachers included our second annual TMTF Teacher Recital in September and the TMTF Monster Concert in April. A certification workshop with Melissa Marion was held in August.

Activities for the musical enrichment of our students included:

TMTF plans to offer a new award program for students beginning in 2008-2009 - the TMTF Achievement Award. Students will be able to earn trophies by participation in TMTF, VMTA and MTNA events. Funding for this program will be assisted by the monetary award from MTNA's Local Association of the Year Award.

With over 100 members in our organization, TMTF seeks to have Participation by a well informed membership by the publication a detailed Yearbook and a Student Activity Booklet with all event information and Forms, a newsletter - Stafflines - published nine times a year, minutes of Meetings sent to members by e-mail, and the creation of a new website (www.tmtf.org) through MTNA's Association in a Box.

The Tidewater Music Teachers Forum strives to be an effective and unique organization for teachers of all instruments in the communities it encompasses.

Report submitted by Josephine Jones, NCTM, President